Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions
1. Imp Adventures
These Terms and Conditions cover all activities provided by Imp Adventures (hereinafter ‘Imp Adventures' or ‘impadventures.com' or ‘us' or ‘we') whose registered office is No 7 Wellhead Lane, Nocton, Lincoln LN42BW. The Director of Imp Adventures is Damon M Blackband.
2. About these Terms and Conditions (T&C's)
By signing the Booking Form or paying a deposit you understand and agree to accept all these T&C's. By accepting your booking we agree to carry out our obligations to you as defined by the activity information given on Imp Adventures's website and in further information sent to you.
If you would like to change anything in the T&C's, please contact us. Any changes must be agreed by both you and the Director of Imp Adventures in writing.
This agreement is made subject to the law of England. Any claim or dispute arising from this contract will be settled in the jurisdiction of the UK courts.
3. Booking
To make a booking please send us your booking form and the requested deposit or charity registration fee per person for the activity chosen. Your balance is due 8 weeks before your chosen activity commences; we, or your chosen charity will send you an invoice and a reminder if appropriate. If booking within 8 weeks of the start of your activity then the full price is payable on confirmation of your acceptance on your chosen activity. If you do not pay the balance by the due date we may increase the price or cancel the booking. Deposits or Registration fees are non refundable unless we cancel the challenge for any reason other than war, civil strife, natural, man made or nuclear disaster, industrial dispute, bureaucratic obstacles, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions, fire or similar events.
Booking under the non charity option, you must pay the balance of your challenge costs 8 weeks prior to the start date of your challenge. If you book within ten weeks of departure, the full cost should be paid at the time of booking.
Under the minimum sponsorship and self funding charity options, we must receive from the charity written confirmation that you have provided to them 80% of the minimum sponsorship and pledge for the remaining 20% at least 8 weeks prior to the departure date of your challenge or activity. The charity will then pay the remaining balance of your challenge/activity costs.
4. Cancellation by you
If the UK Foreign Office does not issue advice against travel, and you decide not to participate in an activity on the basis of a perceived threat or hazard, howsoever formed, will be interpreted as a voluntary cancellation and the charges set out below will apply.
You must tell us immediately if you wish to cancel your booking. Your deposit is non-refundable. According to the date of cancellation we will refund all monies paid less the following cancellation charges:
Non Charity terms:
a) More than 8 weeks before departure – loss of deposit on non charity option.
b) 6 – 8 weeks – 60% of total trip cost
c) 4 - 6 weeks – 80% of total trip cost
d) Less than 4 weeks – 100% of total trip cost
For South America the following cancellation charges apply:
a) Less than 8 weeks prior to departure – 100% of total trip cost
Charity terms:
a) Loss of Registration fee unless cancelled by us, in accordance with para 3 above.
5. Transferring Bookings
Bookings may be transferred to different dates, to another activity or to another person at the discretion of Imp Adventures. An administration fee of £25 per person will be payable to cover our costs in re-booking accommodation and other such tasks.
6. Alterations by us
Whilst every effort will be made to adhere to the planed itinerary, it must be realized that in this type of adventurous travel minor changes to the itinerary may occur during the activity for which the Imp Adventures accepts no responsibility, however caused. Your final itinerary may differ in respect of the places where you stay overnight. In particular it may be necessary to alter your itinerary at short notice due to adverse weather, mountain conditions, or client or leader illness, road conditions, or to operating conditions imposed by owners and operators of accommodation, facilities, aircraft, vessels and other forms of transport. Should such conditions involve clients in extra costs such as accommodation, transportation and meals, such costs should be borne by the client.
Before departure we will let you know as soon as reasonably possible if we are forced through no fault of our own to make major alterations to your chosen activity or to the price. A major alteration is a change of location; a change in start or finish times by more than 6 hours, (unless outside of our control) or a necessary rise in the activity price caused by rises in costs (see changes in price below). You may then choose to accept these alterations, to withdraw from the activity (in which case we will repay all of the money you have paid to us, including your deposit, and this is the sum of our liability to you), or to accept and alternative activity that we may propose to you (in which case the differences in costs will be paid or deducted as appropriate)
You must inform us of your choice as soon as possible after we contact you about the alteration.
7. Cancellation by us
We may cancel the activity because it has not reached its stated minimum group size (in which case we will give you notice not less than 6 weeks before the activity), or because of unavoidable, unforeseeable and unusual circumstances beyond our control (force majeure). If we cancel the activity we will give you notice as soon as reasonably possible and we will refund all of the money (including your deposit), that you have paid to us, which we have not yet paid to our suppliers, and this is the sum of our liability to you. We are not liable for your incidental costs in any circumstances.
8. Changes in Price
Costs making up the activity price may change after the date of publication on Imp Adventures's website. We will bear the first 2% of any necessary rise in the activity price. If cost rises make it necessary to raise the activity price by 10% or more then this rise is classed as an alteration and the ‘Alterations by us' paragraph above applies. If costs rise so as to make necessary a price rise of more than 2% but not more than 10% then we may make surcharges to cover costs in the following categories: (a) Transport costs including fuel costs, taxes and fees; (b) Exchange rate costs; (c) Accommodation costs.
9. Your additional costs
Imp Adventures is not responsible for you or for any costs incurred by you before the start of your activity, at the notified start point and time on the first day of your activity, or after departure on the last day of your activity. We are not liable for your incidental costs.
10. Information provided by us
Our website gives a general indication of the itinerary and other details of each activity. Changes to details may need to be made from time to time. We will tell you of any changes in details as soon as we are reasonably able to do so. Any information or advice provided by us on matters such as equipment, weather, and passports and on all other matters is given in good faith and we cannot be liable for any consequences or omissions.
11. Insurance
Clients on activities outside of the UK are required to have insurance to cover themselves for helicopter search and rescue, medical expenses and repatriation. For activities in the UK this is not necessary. This insurance must be for the duration of the activity and must be appropriate for the nature of the activity.
We recommend, but it is not compulsory, that for all activities you also have cover for personal liability, cancellation and your baggage and money. On all overseas activities you must bring proof of adequate insurance to show your leader. If you do not have adequate insurance you will be refused further participation in the activities, and you will have no right to a refund.
12. Your responsibilities
These Activities are by their very nature adventurous and potentially dangerous. You must accept that walking; trekking, scrambling, climbing and mountaineering carry a danger of death or serious injury. You must accept that delays and alterations and resulting annoyances are possible in mountainous regions. You must have a level of fitness appropriate to the chosen activity. You must bring appropriate clothing and equipment (please refer to clothing and equipment details on the website).
You must inform us at the time of booking or as soon as the case arises of any medical or non-medical conditions that might affect your or any other participant's safety and enjoyment. If you book on behalf of your party you are responsible for ensuring that all party members have read all pr-activity information.
13. Your leader's authority
On any activity the leader is responsible for the safety and enjoyment of the whole group. The leader has sole discretion on behalf of Imp Adventures to exclude a participant from the group or to terminate the participant's activity without the possibility of a refund if the leader thinks the participant is likely to endanger the group's safety or spoil its enjoyment.
14. Independent activities
Activities that are not part of the planned activity undertaken (such as evening walks and sightseeing etc) are undertaken by you at your own risk. You are free to choose your own walks and other activities instead of the group activities, in which case you will be considered to have left the activity for the duration of your independent activity, and we cannot be responsible or liable for your actions or your safety.
15. Our liability
Imp Adventures cannot be held responsible for any mishap affecting yourself or your property, or for the consequences of incidents of force majeure, including but not limited to flight cancellations, travel accidents, strikes, illness and Government or customs or police actions. All travel to and from the start point of the activity and any independent arrangements you make that are not part of the activity, are entirely at your own risk. The maximum amount of any damages and compensation in cases where Imp Adventures is liable in respect of failure to carry out the activity will normally be limited to two times the activity price, and further limited by the EU Charter of Passengers' Rights, the Berne Convention 1961 (rail) and the Paris Convention 1962 (hotel accommodation). We are not liable to you for failure to carry out the activity if the failure is:
a) Attributable to anyone other than Imp Adventures leaders;
b) Attributable to a third party unconnected with us, and unforeseeable or unavoidable;
c) Due to unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and could not have been avoided even if all due care had been taken; or
d) Due to an event which even with all due care we could not foresee or forestall.
Imp Adventure's representatives other than the Director, are not entitled to promise refunds for whatever reason, and Imp Adventures will not be bound by any such promise.
By signing the booking form you acknowledge that we have taken all reasonable steps to safeguard our liability in these respects
16. Complaints
If you have a complaint on an activity you must first make the complaint to the leader as soon as possible. We will do all we reasonably can to resolve your complaint. You must notify us in writing within 30 days of your activity of any complaints that you feel have not been dealt with properly. We will then try to agree a settlement if appropriate with you.
17. Your details
Imp Adventures may pass your contact details to any third party, where this is necessary for the operation of your activity. We will not pass or sell your contact details to a third party for any other purpose, or use your contact details for any purpose other than for operating your holiday.
18. Marketing and Media
Imp Adventures can use photographs supplied by its leaders or members of the activities for future marketing and publishing without further permission from those featured on the images. Imp Adventures may also email or telephone you regarding future activities, news and offers unless you indicate that you do not wish to be informed of such information.
19. Minimum age limits
The minimum age limit for participants on Imp Adventures activities is 18 years of age, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
20. Acknowledgment of T&C's
On advancement of a deposit or by signing a booking form for any of our activities the deposit acknowledges that he/she has read and understands the above booking conditions and agrees to be bound by them.
Imp Adventures is in the business to help people realize their personal hopes, ambitions and goals. We undertake to do all in our power to help make your involvement with Imp Adventures a positive and rewarding experience.
Updated May 2013.