Grading Fitness and Mental Attitude
Trekking, Scrambling, Cycling and multi-day Expeditions all require a basic level of fitness from their participants. Some activities require a better level of fitness than others, especially those that involve time challenges and multiple ascents of over 3000 feet in the same day. Additionally certain expeditions will require a good level of fitness combined with a mental resilience and an optimistic outlook on life, especially if the conditions turn nasty and participants have to endure multiple days of bad weather and demanding conditions.
At Imp Adventures we ask that all participants evaluate their personal fitness, research their chosen activity and prepare accordingly. This will ensure that all participants will be equally matched and all have an equal chance of attaining the most satisfaction and success from their chosen activity, without holding back the other participants.
Many years ago when I first joined the Army as a young soldier, a 'wise Sergeant Major' told me; ‘when you first join a group, a course or a meeting, have a look around the group and if you haven’t worked out who the plonker is within the first 10 minutes…..its probably you!’ (don’t be that plonker)
At Imp Adventures we ask that you put aside your normal routine, beliefs, politics, prejudices, religion and any other peculiarities and try to bite your lip if need be, but more importantly accept your fellow participants for their perceived shortfalls, and for the sake of ‘group harmony’ try your hardest to be the perfect travel companion, especially when the going gets tough, this will ensure that everyone is made to feel at home and nobody feels uneasy or lesser than the next.
At Imp Adventures all of our activities are given a grade for difficulty and seriousness as follows:
Grading - Trekking events
A – Easy
Ideal for those who have moderate fitness levels and stamina, and are used to walking on good paths in the UK hills, basically, activities with no considerable difficulties or technical sections of terrain.
B – Moderate
Suitable for most regular hill walkers with above average fitness levels, these walks could involve extended days involving much ascent and descent and involve narrow ridges or small sections of exposed terrain. (Road cycling trips are graded as 'B' too, but certain cycling trips can involve covering great distances with many hundreds/thousands of meters of daily ascent - see individual trip notes)
C – Challenging
These type of activities can be physically demanding but within the realms of most regular hill walkers with a good level of fitness. These trips could involve long extended days with some graded scrambling and lots of exposure, and could involve carrying overnight gear on extended trips.
D – Strenuous
These trips are our toughest challenges that involve long days on rough terrain and often at altitude. These activities normally involve some load carrying and team tasks and are suitable for seasoned hill walkers with a good head for heights.
t – This symbol denotes activities that involve some mountaineering skills, often these can be taught on the activity, though this will be indicated in the trip notes. Our grading system gives an overall view of the trip and takes into account a combination of the distance walked, toughness of the terrain, altitude, weather, remoteness and finally the level of support and comfort.
Grading - Cycling events
A – Easy
Ideal for those who have moderate fitness levels and stamina, and are used to riding distances of up to 50-60km a day on relatively flat well surfaced roads
B – Moderate
Suitable for more experienced cyclists used to riding distances of up to 100 - 160 km on consecutive days over more hillier terrain in all conditions
C – Challenging
These type of activities can be physically demanding but within the realms of most experienced cyclists. These trips could involve long extended days over extremely mountainous terrain in all weather conditions requiring excellent stamina and a suitable road bike.
The grades should be read in conjunction with the activity notes and with an understanding that sometimes the weather and conditions can change the seriousness and difficulty of an activity. If you are unsure of your suitability for any of our activities then please feel free to contact us to discuss any concerns, questions or issues that you may have.